
Monday, June 29, 2015

My Freshman Pantry

Monday, June 29, 2015
I do not profess to be the greatest at healthy eating, and that became painfully apparent when I started college. Let's just say the 'freshman 15' doesn't always stop at fifteen (ew). No matter how hard you try, there is always something about cafeteria food that makes it feel, smell, taste, and look unhealthy, salad or not. Sometimes I think the atmospheric make-up of colleges is just vaporized calories that students absorb through their skin. I didn't exercise much (I never did) so that might be the issue.

This post, however, is not about health, so technically I should delete everything I just wrote but MOVING ON!

There were some food items I had in my room that were life savers when I didn't want to brave the snow and rain, or when I didn't feel like moving from my bed to get cafeteria stuff. You'd be surprised what constituted a meal for me when Netflix homework (of course, duh!) was just too engrossing. 

Peanut Butter

Ever a staple in the US of A, I ate peanut butter like it was going out of style. Grab yourself a spoon and a Costco sized jar and feast like a king! It's also great to have around should you be in possession of an apple or crackers or something. This was often the sole component of dinner, and I have zero regrets. 

TIP: If you try really hard you can convince yourself that you're being healthy.

Pre-Packaged Salad and Dressing
Mmmm, just look at how that light reflects off the plastic! This was actually one of my better ideas as a human being. I had an over-sized mug/bowl that held a dinner-sized portion of pre-packaged salad drenched in dressing. I got two to three meals out of a bag which range in price from about $3 to five or six, but there is usually one kind or another on sale.

TIP: This becomes a bag of brown-ish water if you forget it in your refrigerator...Do Not forget it in your refrigerator! 


I also took a spoon to this, and had to label the jar when I brought it home because my family didn't want my cooties. It's great for feeling somewhat non-piggish and still getting your sugar fix. 

TIP: You can also use this in tea or something.

Baby Ice Creams

These are a wonderful treat after any or all of your exams. Pro - their cute and tiny. Con - They are a bit like the fun-size candy bars; in no way enough, and yet, deep down, you know you probably shouldn't have even eaten that much.

Added bonus: They are cheap, usually about $1.

TIP: Two is the perfect amount.


Ah cereal! How I would have starved without you! Far too many meals became me binge eating Frosted Flakes or contemplating the icing to wheat ratio of Mini Wheats. It was fast, delish', and readily available if I remembered to buy it while at the grocery store. Perfect! This can also be something that you convince yourself is healthy. 

TIP: Just throw out the stale Cheerios instead of mixing them with Frosted Flakes and trying to convince yourself that everything will be okay. 

Microwaveable Mac n' Cheese
This stuff was great. However, I will never know why they put it in such tiny cups, six noodles is never enough to eat, so always make sure you have more than one on hand, or something else to eat because, though magnificent, it's rarely filling.

TIP: Avoid letting the bowl you used sit for two or three days, wash immediately.

In the end, it was nice to have a break from cafeteria grilled cheese and french fries, and all of this was also used as snacks, so win-win. For the most part, it was just nice to have something I knew I liked on hand. 

The Campus Curmudgeon :)

TIP: When all else fails, go home. There's plenty of food there. :D

The Campus Curmudgeon © 2014