
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

This Week in Words - Hygiene

Wednesday, September 16, 2015
This one is from a while ago.

Date: About this time last year

Time: Afternoon?

Place: On campus......

"Keith Never Takes a Shower, Bro."

Sunday, September 13, 2015

How I Grocery Shop As An Adult

Sunday, September 13, 2015
College offers a wealth of new experiences and because food is important to me, grocery shopping on my own was one such experience. 

Allow me to clarify: I had grocery shopped on my own before, but it was typically my mom handing me a small list and telling me to go get the stuff and transport it safely back home. 

Now, however, I am entrusted with every aspect of the grocery shopping, list and all. Let me just say how terrible I am with making lists of things I need. 'To-do' lists I'm good at, but 'buy-this' lists not so much. I always talk myself out of needing certain things. I also tend to forget the things I mentally noted at an earlier time, so I end up with a list of three things. 

I nervously pull into the parking lot, and I'm faced with picking a parking spot that isn't too close (exercise?) but not too far (I'm on my own in the carrying stuff department). Once the stress of that is over, I check a trillion times to make sure I have my wallet with me because I know one day I'll be that person who has left every payment method at home. I worked at a grocery store, there was at least two or three people every week who did that. 

Then I enter the store and it's like a swirling vortex of confusion. I forget what food is, let alone the fact that I spent time making a list. 

In the end I start at one side of the store and go up and down every single aisle. It's also at this point that I take even more things off my list because in my mind I just don't have time, despite the fact that I have plenty of time.

I am still confused by grocery shopping by myself. I feel like I'll get better at it as time goes by and I slowly relearn what my basic food needs are. For now, please refer to the above  picture, and happy hunting.

~The Campus Curmudgeon

The Campus Curmudgeon © 2014