Note to all humans who reside on, around, near, somewhere within ten miles of, downwind, or above a college campus: DO NOT walk around with bare feet.....ew. There is no way, in any universe that the floors of any building of any college are clean to the degree that you will not contract some weird disease should you walk around with bare feet....
I walk around campus and have to bob and weave around the spittle/mucus being hurled through the air and onto the ground by various young men. This does not make for clean spaces worthy of your bare feet. I don't even want to know what can be found on the floors of dorm building hallways. I suggest investing in flip flops, or slip-on flats, or clogs. If shoes are your arch enemy, wear socks at least...please, I beg of you.
*drops mic*
*trips while stepping down from soap box*
~ Campus Curmudgeon :)
Note: Great big THANK YOU to those who clean these campus buildings.You are all wonderful human beings :)
Another note: This is not a PSA from the shoe cult